4 Things You Need to Know About Your Immunity > Immune System

By | May 10, 2021

It is our understanding that many illnesses are now related to the health of our immune system. We can link the immune system to so many aspects of our life, but do you understand how it works? Here are four things you need to know about it.

The Immune System Is the Army of the Body

The role of our immune system is to protect us from any foreign substance that could harm the body. These foreign substances are also known as antigens. Antigens include bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. When those organisms are found in the body, they trigger the immune system, which, in return, try to destroy the antigen with various mechanisms.

There Are Two Categories to the Immune System

Our immune system is divided into two categories; innate and adaptive. Our innate immune system is the first responder of our body, which includes our skin, immune system cells, and some chemicals in our blood. On the other hand, the adaptive immune system is the system that remembers past attacks from antigens and is triggered to combat the same antigen more effectively.

Your First Line of Defense Is Your Skin

Our skin is the first line of defense, which serves as a surface barrier to stop the virus or bacteria from getting into our body. That also explains why, when we are in flu season, you see signs of washing your hands everywhere. By washing your hands, you destroy the antigen before it harms the body.

The Lymphatic System Is Vital to Prevent You From Getting Sick

Another vital system in your body that prevents you from getting sick is the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is composed of tissues, vessels, and nodes that allows the body to get rid of toxins, and any waste that can be harmful to the body. His role is primarily to circulate a liquid called lymph, which contains white blood cells in the body.

Your immune systems and the lymphatic system are incapable of operating if you don’t take care of your body. That is why it is imperative to stay healthy while adopting a healthy lifestyle, daily exercises, reduce stress, and eat foods that are rich in nutrients and will help you avoid sickness. Not only do you stand more chances of staying healthy, but it also helps you recover faster if you do find yourself ill.

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