7 Things To Watch For Ladies In Dating Relationships > Love & Relationships

By | February 2, 2022

When starting a new dating relationships, everything is new. You will tend to see things through rose colored glasses. There are things you will overlook because you’ve decided that you have captured the guy of your dreams. But, here are 7 things to watch for in a new Dating Relationships.

1. He makes all of the decisions. If he doesn’t ask you where you would like to go, what you would like to order, or how you would like to do things, there may be a problem. Sure, a strong, decisive man is attractive. And, you love that he takes charge. But, are you setting yourself up for problems later in your dating relationships when you find out he is a control freak?

2. He doesn’t value (or even belittles) your opinion. Dating relationships should be about equality and give and take. If it seems that you never have anything of value to offer at the beginning of the relationship, why should things change down the road? If you are going to want to have opinions in your relationship, you need to establish your right to them up front.

3. He puts you down in front of your friends and family. This is just not cool and this verbal abuse could lead to physical abuse down the road. Don’t let him get away with putting you down, and if your friends tell you that it is a problem, listen to them.

4. If he’s rough during love making and he makes you do things that you don’t want to do, this could be a signal of problems in the near future. Establish that there are things that you don’t want to do and there are ways you expect to be loved. If he won’t accommodate, show him the door.

5. He alienates you from your friends and family. If he wants you to spend all of your time with him and pouts when you want to spend time with your girlfriends or your family, this is a warning sign in a dating relationships. You deserve to have a life separate from him, and if he can’t handle this, you are in for big problems shortly.

6. If he flirts with other women and then calls you jealous when you call him on it, your dating relationships could be in trouble. Don’t put up with bad behavior. But even more importantly, don’t let him turn the tables of his bad behavior on you.

7. He loses his temper over trivial matters. Remember, early on in dating relationships, people are on their best behavior. You can only expect things to get worse. So, if he has an explosive personality, this could spell trouble – and even danger – for you.

Don’t look at every new relationship through rose colored glasses. Be aware of signs of trouble. While you don’t want all of your dating relationships to be marred by paranoia, having a healthy sense of what could become dangerous is a smart woman’s way of handling the world

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