The 6 Principles Of Influence > Personal Empowerment

By | May 15, 2021

In this article, you will learn techniques to communicate better, improve your relationships and your influence. The promise is strong.  Rest assured, these techniques do not come from us but from the famous American psychologist Robert Cialdini.

In a human relationship, it is impossible not to influence each other. Whatever your words or actions, you are sending a message. Even if you do not speak, the other party receives a message from you. Influence, like any action, can be positive or negative.

The objective of this article is to give you the keys to develop your capacities for positive influence. In which everyday situations can we use these techniques? Absolutely all! Use them in:

  • Private discussions with your spouse
  • Discussions with a friend
  • Discussions with your children
  • In business meetings and situations

You can apply these techniques both to positively influence others and to avoid being manipulated (when others try to influence you negatively).

  1. The principle of reciprocity

We feel obligated to give back what has been offered to us. This is a universal principle. So when you want to influence others do not hesitate to provide things of value for free. When you do this you will provoke the principle of reciprocity and your audience will feel obliged to give something back to you.

  1. The principle of commitment and consistency

If you want to be a good influencer then you need to make commitments and deliver on them and be consistent with your message. Nobody will want to listen to someone that avoids making commitments and worse still, fails to deliver on those that they did make.

Keeping your message consistent is always important. Good influencers do not suddenly change their message.

  1. The principle of sympathy

We say “Yes” more easily to someone we like. So you need to make it your business to be liked by your audience. There are a number of ways that you can do this. It is important that you show your audience that you like them as well.

  1. The principle of social proof

When we don’t know what to do, we adopt other people’s point of view. Providing social proof that your ideas are solid is essential. Gather testimonials for your products and services and include them in your presentation for example.

  1. The principle of authority

We naturally respect authority and rarely question the experts. You need to come across as an authority in your niche. The perception of your audience is critical here. Do everything to prove that you are an expert and authority and you will influence more people.

  1. The principle of scarcity

We long more for things that are scarce. So you need to build scarcity into your messages and make it believable. When your audience believes that something is truly scarce they will make a decision a lot faster.

But if your audience believes that the scarcity is false then this can have the opposite effect. If you say that your product will be unavailable after a certain date then stick by this. A scarcity discount is a good technique to use. Tell your audience that they will make huge savings by acting now rather than waiting for the product to be available only at full price.

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