Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life > Personal Satisfaction

By | May 24, 2021

A lot of people claim they know the secret to success. They will claim it is motivation, ambitiousness, positivity, conscientiousness and all sorts of other abstract nouns. However they are missing the true vital ingredient, the real key that will get you started on the road to success to begin with: desire.

It Comes From Within

It is obvious really, but if you are going to be successful in any area of your life then you need to want to be successful. It does not matter how hard working you are, how much time you spend at work, but if you do not particularly want to climb to the top it just will not happen. Anything along these lines is a competition essentially, and if you do not truly desire success then you’ll still be going against a whole lot of people who do. You can not really have motivation without desire, but even if you could, where would you be directing that motivation? It is desire that will help you keep your eye on the prize and act as the motivator as you put in more time after work, or come up with complex plans on how to woo the guy/gal of your dreams. And the more you desire something the more you’ll work to get it. And as you do you’ll find that you subconsciously even help to navigate through the mire of challenges and that the world just kind of steps out of the way.

Of course not all desire will work. Firstly your desire needs to be realistic, and secondly your desire needs to be concrete. A desire to fly for example probably is only going to end with disappointment unless you are from Krypton, and a desire to ‘be more successful’ is an abstract aim that’s really quite subjective.

How to Find Your Desire

Some people though do not seem to have any desire at all however, and these people can be quite aimless in their lives. They aren’t going to progress because they do not know how they want to progress and they do not know what they want from life. The thing is though, everyone has something they want, it is just a matter of finding out what it is.

If you are struggling to know what your desire is, then think of your life now as it is. Now think of how it could be improved. Now think of how your life would look if you had everything the way you want it. That’s pretty desirable right? Maybe you have got a big house and kids, or a small house and great artistic job, or you are a movie star, or a high flying business man. Now you know what your desires are, write them down and break them down into smaller steps and priorities. Suddenly you have direction and motivation. Good luck!

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