Easy Blogging Tips > 5 Part Primer

By | December 26, 2022

1. Easy Blogging Tips

In order to attract enough traffic to see any real results, you have to come up with a long-term plan that will not only bring in traffic but also ensure that it’s a consistent and continuous flow of targeted visitors.

The first method we are going to discuss is social networking which is extremely popular right now. This method includes the integration of both the social media and social bookmarking sites. To benefit from social media, it’s a good idea to have accounts dedicated to your blog on the top social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.

The reason why this is so important is that, you can easily share your blog posts on these accounts and if your followers like the content, they may end up sharing and recommending them to their friends and followers. This helps spread your content and increase the amount of traffic your blog receives. The same applies to the social bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon.

To help expand on this method you can take part in discussion forums, respond to all of your readers’ comments, and always include a link to your blog in your email signature,
posts and responses.

The next strategy we are going to discuss is the importance of posting high quality and relevant content. The main reason why people visit your blog is for the content so when it comes to having a successful and profitable blog content is everything.

The trick is to make it captivating enough so that your visitors want to keep reading and coming back for more. When you are creating content it’s important to focus on writing headlines that grab the attention of your visitors so they want to know more and then follow it up with quality content that delivers exactly what the headline promised.

Also, make sure that the content is easy to read; up to date and that, you are posting regularly. This will help keep your visitors engaged and also have SEO (search engine optimization) benefits. As you are creating your content it is a good idea to think about the keywords and phrases you want to target and weave them into your headlines and content where appropriate. Just don’t go overboard. You don’t want to sacrifice the quality of your content for just for the sake of more keyword usage.

Another tip, when including pictures, name them properly (with keywords in mind) so that, when someone is searching for images, yours will show up in the listings hopefully at the top.

The last strategy we are going to discuss in this lesson is often ignored by bloggers but it has the ability to drive large amounts of traffic to your blog when used correctly. You may be surprised to know that you can get a lot of online visitors by promoting your blog through offline advertising. This technique involves including an easy to remember link to your blog on business cards, flyers and pamphlets. It can also include posting ads in your local newspaper, trade journals and magazines that your target audience would be likely to read.

If you want to get fancy, you can purchase some airtime on your favorite radio station, which isn’t as expensive as you may think. In fact, if you can entice them to interview you about your business you can get a ton of free exposure. One of the best ways to score interviews is by writing and submitting press releases. Just make sure they are news worthy and enticing.

Telling your friends, family and colleagues about your blog is always a good idea. You can also taking part in blogging conferences, networking events and if you can swing it opt to be a sponsor, which will get you and your blog even more attention. While these offline techniques may seem a little old-fashioned they still work and have the potential to bring in a lot of visitors that may not have found you otherwise.

2. Easy Blogging Tips

A good blog needs high quality, interesting and fresh content to keep visitors interested and coming back for more. In theory, updating your blog may sound easy enough. However, it can be a time consuming and often-daunting task, which is why there are so many abandoned blogs floating around the internet.

If you want your blog to be popular and profitable you have to plan ahead and a great place to start is by setting up a blog calendar or schedule for writing and posting to your blog. This will help keep you on track as you write and help eliminate distractions.

As you create your schedule, make sure that it is conducive to your personal routines and preferences. Otherwise, it will be too hard to follow. For instance if you prefer writing early in the morning make sure your schedule reflects that. The idea is to choose a time when you are most likely to be creative.

You also want to get rid of any possible distractions so log out Twitter and Facebook. Turn the ringer off on your phone and shut down you email, close Skype and any other interruptive applications before you start. Only open the tabs you will be using for your research and close all the others to avoid wasting time. You need to be focused when writing to avoid wasting your time and to allow your creative juices to flow.

Anther tip that may sound strange to you is turning off spell checker. I know it seems crazy but it can and will help you avoid wasting time, because you can write your blog post without pausing to make corrections or to edit. Finish the entire post and then go back to correct the grammar and spelling mistakes. Doing this will help you to write faster as you will not be worried about the mistakes.

Before you start, writing take some time and gather all the information and essentials you’ll need when you’re writing. Whether it’s a glass of water, cup of coffee or your favorite snack get it before you sit down. It’s also a good idea to conduct any research necessary to get the job done that way you can write without stopping to look something up or to check on certain facts.

Lastly, start with an outline. Just like an article, a good blog post should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. If you take the time to write down the main points of your post, before you begin writing, you will be able to complete the task much faster by simply filling in the details. You should also break your post up into readable chunks by incorporating and attractive heading and subheadings.

Once you are done writing your blog, turn on the spell checker and go through your work correcting all the grammar and spelling mistakes. Read the post and edit it as necessary to ensure that the ideas flow and that the blog post is flawless. By using these simple tricks not only will you be able to write faster it will help ensure you are able to stick to your schedule and write great blog posts that will bring in more visitors for your blog.

3. Easy Blogging Tips

Turning your blog into a big success doesn’t happen overnight. When you’re building your blog following, it’s important to develop relationships with others who have similar interests. A good blog needs external interaction. Unfortunately, many bloggers don’t understand the importance of this type of networking and consequently, they end up missing big opportunities.

One of the best ways to start developing relationships with other bloggers is by commenting on their posts. However, you have to be smart about it. Avoid posting nondescript comments like ‘great post’ and moving on. If you have genuine interest in the topic, take a moment to share your exact thoughts. You want to expand the conversation by being helpful. This way the blog owner and their followers will recognize you as someone they want to get to know.

The same holds true for people who take the time comment on your blog. Don’t ignore legitimate comments instead respond with meaningful replies that will are relevant and inspiring. You also want to follow other bloggers who are popular in you niche. Especially the ones who have chosen to follow you.

Whenever you find a blogger with good content, you can include a link within your post. Whether they have similar or differing views or products, you can create a relationship with them and learn a few things from them. It is a good strategy to get people talking. You can also share blogs on your social network pages.

Guest posts are another great opportunity for getting more recognition. Many blogs welcome submissions; you just have to look for them. Just make sure that you don’t submit a post on an unrelated topic to a popular blogger and expect to have it considered.

Try to share something of interest to the people that already follow the blog and it will work in your favor. You can also allow guests to share posts with you. It’s a great way to add additional content to your blog without doing the work yourself.

4. Easy Blogging Tips

You need some simple ways you can speed up your blog because nothing drives visitors away faster than slow loading pages which makes this a very critical step for getting more traffic, views and profits.

Did you know that web pages that load quickly are normally ranked higher in the search engine results compared to the web pages that load slowly? It’s true!

Google and search engines usually use the blog’s page load speed when searching algorithms. This is based on the fact that a page loading fast gives better user experience compared to a slower loading page.

The best place to start is by testing and monitoring your blog’s page speed so you will know where and when problems arise. You can do this with free tools like the one at Pingdom: http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/ or by using Google’s Page Speed Insights: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

These two tools help identify any processes that are running slowly on the blog. All you have to do is type in your blog URL and they will provide you with a full report of what is working and what is not.

Keep in mind that a blogs load speed can only be as fast as the web server (hosting) you’re using. Most hosting companies post this information on their websites however if you aren’t sure of the speed capabilities the contact the host’s support team and ask what the server speed is. Know this information will help you make sure that your blog has adequate bandwidth that can handle the peak traffic times.

Take time to optimize your images. You should always resize the images to the size you want in your published page or blog post before uploading them to the blog. This is because large images are normally a resource drain and can take up valuable space in the hosting account and will slow down the blog load speed. Make sure that the images you will see on the blog have been saved in PNG or JPEG format.

Delete unnecessary CSS, java script and HTML Code. Too much code can drag down load speeds so if it isn’t needed get rid of it. If you aren’t sure how to do this contact your web designer or hire someone who understands coding.

Warning: Don’t delete anything without having a backup copy of your blog.

Lastly, make sure that the blogging application you are using is up to date. This includes the plugins and theme too. Running on an out of date platform can cause conflicts, slow down load times and it can leave your blog open to hackers who want to wreak havoc on your business.

5. Easy Blogging Tips

Conversion rate optimization is a systematic and structured way of refining the performance of your blog. It’s based on the percentage of people who perform certain actions like clicking a link, subscribing or making a purchase. Understanding what visitors do when they are on your blog makes it possible to improve its performance and its conversions, which ultimately leads to more profits.

One of the best ways to increase conversions is to create urgency. Why should the visitor purchase your product now? Customers can be encouraged to complete a purchase through perception of rarity. For example, having promotional discounts and free gifts with purchases from your site. When your create urgency in the minds of the customers, their emotional reactions will override their sensible buying behavior.

Having a clear value proposition is also very important. Your value proposition gives a summary of all the benefits and costs of buying your product. If the consumer realizes that the benefits outweigh the costs then they will get motivated to become a customer. To improve your conversion rate, you should emphasize the most magnificent parts of your value proposition. Convince the visitors why you are better than your competitors.

Set up and easy to follow sales funnel for your visitors. A good funnel involves all the steps they need to take to complete the process. This includes their first visit, consuming content, checking out your product, adding product to the basket, beginning checkout and finally finishing checkout. In order to increase the number of visitors who go through the funnel, make the selling process has to be easy.

set up optimized landing pages. A landing page is any web page that a visitor finds after clicking a link to your blog. Don’t assume that all of your visitors hit your home page and sift through all of your posts looking for what they want. Most of the time they come in through subpages or landing pages.

By having specific pages set up for the different products you offer you will see higher conversions and if you incorporate specific keywords it will also help improve your search engine rankings.

Lastly, make sure your visuals are effective. A picture is worth a thousand words, ant the right images can solidify why customers need to buy your products. For instance, if you sell armchairs use images that will help your visitors envision how your products will look like in their homes.

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