Your Words Can Influence Your Destiny > Self Awareness

By | January 2, 2023

We are often captives of our own words, imprisoned by the negativity we confess. We never get to reach our full potentials because we dare not believe in ourselves and the power of our confessions. Sometimes the distance between us and destiny are the words we never said and the encouragement we never got. It is words that will bridge the gap and take us to our supposed destinies.

Normalize thinking for yourself, with it comes speaking your thoughts, which will be your guide and rule book wherever you go. However, you have to make sure those thoughts are healthy and constructive; that way, no mountain will ever be too high for you. The scariest and yet most beautiful thing about today’s world is that anything can be planted, and people will believe it. If the seed has destiny embroidered on it, destiny will be within sight for you and anyone who believes. Nothing spreads faster than negativity, so we ought to be careful of what we are selling to the next person with our words.

An example of what hinders our path to destiny is fear. Fear of failure, fear of trying, and fear of the unknown. You must learn to challenge fear and words that induce fear even when you’re scared; it’s the currency of positivity that takes us to the top.

Let your words go before you, release them, and have them go to places you are yet to be and watch them prepare you for your future. Create your future, speak into existence what you will be, and watch it unfold. What you will be, you already are; you are not going to be powerful, you are already powerful. You will be tomorrow, which you confess to be today. There is a power in saying you are strong when you feel weak because, one thing’s for sure, you will step into the environment that your words have created.

Always remind yourself that just because someone else failed, it doesn’t mean you will fail too, and if you failed, it doesn’t mean your child will or needs to fail as well. Choose to construct your destiny or your child’s with the words you say. Declare that you are a champion, you are successful, you are a winner, and watch your future align with the words you’ve spoken.  Even when your new business project seems like it’s going nowhere, when you’ve encountered what may seem like a dead-end, tell the world that you will rise, and victory will be yours.

When the wrong words are thrown at you, and they say you won’t make it out of the pit, take those stones they have thrown at you, pile them up and use them to climb out of the pit. When they criticize you with words designed to be destructive, turn those same words around and make them constructive.

In life, there comes the point where you can’t run from yourself any longer. When you are emotionally, spiritually, and even physically tired of life’s beatings, confusion hits you hard, and your self-esteem is threatened. That’s when you have to talk to your inner self to bring out that light and be reminded to put the puzzle back together and march forward. In such times a few words of hope are all it takes to keep you going. Even in disagreement, all you’ve got to do is just present a different perspective to a person and leave them to ruminate. They’ll agree with you long after you are gone and thus unlocking your destiny and theirs too.

Your words have the ability to shape your future and go beyond that to touch the lives of your audience; they have the power to transport you to destiny and build your legacy. Consider Sir Winston Churchill or Martin Luther King Junior- They are both known for being among the most exceptional public speakers of all time; Their words, not only changed their lives, but also impacted millions, and forever changed the course of history.

In an interview, Eric Yuan, the founder of Zoom, says he told himself that he had to take action after his father’s death. Whatever he said to himself, that day is the reason he is where he is now. Fast forward to 2020; Something huge is happening. Zoom’s daily users jumped from 10 million to over 200 million in the first three months of the year. He started the year unranked on Bloomberg’s list of billionaires, but now he is worth $5.6 billion.

By consistently making use of humble but illuminating words like “I am a work in progress…” and “one step at a time, I will get there eventually…” -will very often make the difference between day and night. Many great ideas never saw the light of day because of words like “who would buy my products?”, “Who would read my books?” and “Who would listen to me?” These words may never have been verbalized, but thinking it is as good (or as bad, as the case may be) as saying it. We often think that we cannot make it, but because they said you have to speak life into your ideas, we go ahead and say we can do it out loud. The thing is, you have to believe what you say, your thoughts have to align with your words. You have to believe in your words and not have a double mind. When it’s hard to believe it, speak it until it becomes the only truth you know, meditate on it, ponder upon it until it becomes the only thing that makes sense.

And when you’ve finally got to your intended destiny, share your story as the testament of your achievement. It will help you understand yourself and encourage others to write their success testimony.

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