Snake Diet Refeed Explained > Diet & Weight Loss

By | December 25, 2021

The Snake Diet is one that encourages losing weight in order to get healthier. It also encourages people to stop overeating because the body was never meant to pack in as much fuel as most people give it.

One portion of this diet centers around what’s known as the refeed. This means that you’re going to eat after you fast. This is known as the re-feeding period and it’s limited a specific window of time.

While there are good food choices to pick from on the diet, you do have to make sure that you consume these foods during that window. The main purpose for this is to make sure that your body remains in ketosis because this is where you’ll burn the most fat.

Another purpose for this is because eating only during a certain window helps to balance out the gut bacteria. It’s important that you learn the right way to enter a refeed. Since you’ll be breaking a fast, you want to eat in a way that doesn’t overwhelm your body.

The key during a refeed is to not make complicated meals and to stick to the foods that are on the Snake Diet guidelines. You want to be sure that you’re doing your refeeds the same way each time.

The purpose is to take in the calories, but not to overdo it to the point that you’re uncomfortable or in pain because your stomach is so full. When you first begin the Snake Diet and you’ve just completed your first fast, it can be tempting to over-feed.

But if you do this, you set yourself up for binge-eating mode. Not only will that make it more difficult when you’re ready to fast again, but you can create a habit of it. Another downside is that you’ll end up taking in too much fat, which will work against your weight loss goals.

Refeeding is not intended to be a process of “catching up” on the calories missed while you fasted. Instead, it’s meant to be fuel for your body so that you can turn around and start another fasting period once you finish refeeding.

If you do it the right way, you’ll hold on to the full feeling during your fast, keep your metabolism up, and be able to avoid losing your motivation. Plus, by refeeding the right way, you can actually boost your body’s fat burning power.

According to the Snake Diet guidelines, when it’s time for you to refeed, it’s important to keep your foods simple. Have between 2-3 foods to eat, such as choosing a meat and a vegetable or a meat and a fruit.

During a refeed, make sure that you eat the same foods for a few days before you decide to add something new. Don’t have a lot of variety because then it’s more difficult for you to be able to determine which food didn’t work for you.

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