Breaking a Plateau on the Snake Diet > Diet & Weight Loss

By | December 21, 2021

When you’re on a fasting diet such as the Snake Diet, you’re going to find that you’ll lose weight quickly. But just when you’re making great progress, everything seems to slow down and all of a sudden, you’ve reached a plateau.

You want to make sure that it’s a true plateau because your weight can differ even over the period of 24 hours. If you’ve hit a true plateau, it could be that your caloric intake has dropped too low.

It’s important that you eat low carb and have your protein during your refeed windows. But it’s just as important that you’re not cutting your calories so low that your metabolism level has lowered to the point where it’s preventing you from losing more.

When this happens, it’s your body’s natural defense system kicking in and trying to tell you that you’ve cut the calories too low when it’s time to refeed. What you can do at this point is to shake up your caloric intake.

That doesn’t mean that you must eat several thousand extra calories more to break it. Just a few more, but still within your eating guidelines will do the trick and break the plateau.

Another problem may be when you’re eating the exact same foods every single time you’re refeeding and you haven’t changed anything else. You haven’t worked out longer or harder.

You haven’t started lifting weights. Remember that the same efforts yields the same results. You might also be eating too much. This is something that the diet addresses. When users reach the point where they’re not seeing the numbers on the scale budge, it’s usually because they’re eating too much.

Make sure that you’re counting your calories and weighing your food. One of the first steps the diet recommends is to extend your fast. If you’ve hit a plateau, then add another day or more between your refeeding window.

This will shake your flat line result and put it back on the downward drop again. Something else that’s suggested is to work out more or add something to your exercise routine that shakes up the rut so the weight loss kicks in.

Or you might need to change how long you’re exercising. Keep a log of what you’re doing on the diet and see if you’re engaging in any habits that might be causing this issue.

You might need to hit it with a two-fold approach, which is to add a fasting day and boost your exercise at the same time. Surprisingly, something else that can cause your weight loss to hit a plateau is dehydration.

When you’re dehydrated, It’s not only dangerous but it impacts your metabolism and that can interfere with weight loss. So make sure you’re sticking with the Snake Juice as well.

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