I Always Fail at Everything > Self Development

By | September 19, 2021

Sometimes it can be very frustrating to rack up a long string of failures as you sit by and watch others succeed. Some people are capable of experiencing failure and moving past it with ease.

Unfortunately, many people wear their failures like a ball and chain around their ankle. They allow it to hold them back for an eternity. You have the power to change your mindset to one that shines a light on failure for what it really is – proof that you tried.

Not everyone can say that. Some people are too afraid to try or have never taking the time to learn what they need to know to attempt anything in this business. If you are someone who has experienced failure, it’s a sign that you have taken action.

Whether or not the end result was exactly what you wanted is irrelevant. If you truly want to see success as an online entrepreneur, you will take that failure, break it down to analyze it, and turn it into a success story.

There’s danger in using absolute words like always. Putting it this way, it guarantees that each time you try something in the future, you have sealed your fate before you even start.

You have labeled yourself a complete and utter failure regardless of how much you learn, how hard you try, or any other determining factors. You have to change your language so that you give yourself a chance.

For example, if you are trying to succeed at a specific goal, instead of saying you always fail at it, you might say, “I haven’t figured out how to do it yet.” Giving yourself the benefit of the doubt, you free yourself from that limiting belief that sabotages your efforts.

Besides that, there are often many different reasons why someone experiences a failure. Sometimes, it’s no fault of their own. You may have invested in a course that was recommended to you, but which fails to give good instructions.

Or, something else may have affected the outcome. The important thing is for you to take time to analyze what went wrong, see if there is a way you can fix it, and try again until you can move it over to the success column.

Even if you can’t figure it out on your own, if you will simply allow yourself the dignity of requesting help from others, you can often change the narrative from being a constant failure to being an eventual success.

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