Impact of Storytelling on Your Past and Moving Forward > Communication

By | November 17, 2022

A great way to help better understand the impact that storytelling can have on someone is to look back on your life and think about which people have influenced you and in what ways.

You may be surprised to realize how many people influenced you and helped you become the person you are by telling you stories that really stuck with you and helped shape your decisions in life.

For many people, it might be your family members, especially your grandparents. Grandparents love to talk often times, and tend to communicate life lessons via stories, whether they be about themselves or about people they knew.

You might have had your grandfather tell you about a time where he was really down on his luck and how he managed to persevere and stick things out until he was able to live a better life.

A story like this might help you in times of crisis to not give up, and rather keep going even though it’s difficult, because it’s worth it in the end. A simple story that was told to you can help give you strength to keep moving forward.

There might have been a speaker that you went and listened to that got you interested in the career you’re in today. If you listened to someone talk about their job as an author and what all they did to get there, that could easily influence you towards that job.

Some speakers can even influence the way you treat those around you by telling stories about how the way others treated them and how it made them feel and react. Stories can really have a grand impact on your life, even if they’re simple.

Consider how much different stories have shaped who you are and think about how your own ability to tell stories can help shape the lives and decisions of others around you, hopefully for the better.

If someone’s story can go so far as to influence your career path, then certainly a fun little story can help persuade someone to buy from your company over another’s or can be used to convince your business to take a certain course of action.

Don’t sell yourself short when you start to think of the power that storytelling has and what you can do with it. You really can help people change their lives, as well as do small things like help with business decisions.

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