Streams Of Income Via Internet Marketing > Free Online Business Report

Online Marketing report “Streams Of Income Via Internet Marketing” basically covers; “one of the greatest aspects of the Internet – its ability to level the playing field. Earning money through marketing used to be largely limited to large corporations with enormous marketing budgets. The Internet, on the other hand, can be used for marketing even when there is almost no marketing budget to access. This report describes the various ways to generate income via Internet marketing”. Click “Streams Of Income Via Internet Marketing” to download (347 KB pdf) this free report.

Streams Of Income Via Internet Marketing

Offline Riches for Internet Marketers > Free Business Report

Offline Marketing report “Offline Riches for Internet Marketers” covers the opportunity; “you may be ignoring a valuable segment of the market for your skills – the offline businesses that need your help. That’s right; there are plenty of mom-and-pop businesses that are struggling to make it in this recession and would love to know how to cut costs and gain wider market exposure, but they have no clue on how to do that online! As you well know, where there’s a demand for a solution, there’s a way to make riches. All you have to do is to understand how to educate offline business owners in what they are missing and to create solutions that meet those needs”. Click “Offline Riches for Internet Marketers” to download (299 KB pdf) this free report.

Offline Riches for Internet Marketers

Easy Affiliate Marketing > Free Online Business Ebook

Affiliate Marketing ebook “Easy Affiliate Marketing” looks into; Affiliate Marketing Introduced, The 3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need To Survive Online, How To Become A Super Affiliate In Niche Markets, Which Affiliate Networks To Look Out For When Promoting, Easy Profits Using PPC In Your Affiliate Marketing Business, Using Product Recommendations To Increase Your Bottom Line, Using Camtasia to Increase Your Affiliate Checks, Top 3 Ways To Boost Your Affiliate Commissions Overnight, How To Avoid The 3 Most Common Affiliate Mistakes and Resource Guide. Click “Easy Affiliate Marketing” to download (370 KB pdf) this free ebook.

Easy Affiliate Marketing

Diet Explained > Free Diet & Weight Loss Ebook

Dieting & Weight Loss ebook “Diet Explained” looks at Food Groups – Calories and the Dangers of ‘a Little Knowledge’, The Importance of Fats – Insulin and Nutrition, Introducing the Fad Diets – the Good Diets and the Arguments, The Middle Way – How to Take a Balanced Approach to Your Diet, The Role of Exercise – Introducing HIIT and Resistance Training, Why Aren’t I Losing Weight? Individual Differences and Getting Started. Click “Diet Explained” to download (341 KB pdf) this free ebook.

Diet Explained

Create Your Own Unique Online Brand > Free Online Business Report

Online Branding report “Create Your Own Unique Online Brand” looks into; “Branding has evolved from nonsensical trademark names to descriptive words that tell people who you are and what your passion is in life. In order to create a brand name today, you want to give special attention to the qualities that make this name unique and how it is descriptive of what you do or who you are in business or life“. Click “Create Your Own Unique Online Brand” to download (318 KB pdf) this free branding report.

Create Your Own Unique Online Brand

Successful Mindset > Free Self Help Ebook

Self Help ebook “Successful Mindset” chapters looks into; Setting Your Goals, Strategic Goal Setting, Setbacks and Failures, Motivating Yourself, Thoughts and Habits of Successful People, Living for Success. Click “Successful Mindset” to download (342 KB pdf) this free self development ebook.

Successful Mindset Ebook

Secrets of Marketing via Social Networking Sites > Free Social Marketing Report

Social Marketing report “Secrets of Marketing via Social Networking Sites” looks into; “No matter what you sell on the Internet today – whether it is eBooks, products you have to mail out for services that you provide yourself – you need to find customers. That much is certain, but the more creative you are at finding those customers (especially when those methods don’t involve spending any money) the more successful you are likely to be. And that’s why it is in your best interests to become familiar with social networking sites. Not to tell people all about what you do in your spare time, or to share the intimate details of your life with, but to use as a method to gain more business“. Click “Secrets of Marketing via Social Networking Sites” to download (307 KB pdf) this free social marketing report.

Secrets of Marketing via Social Networking Sites

Marketing For Free On The Internet > Free Online Business Report

Online Business report “Marketing For Free On The Internet” looks at; “despite what other people might say you don’t HAVE to spend a fortune on your marketing efforts. In fact, if your budget is tiny or you are just starting out, you don’t have to spend a single cent if you don’t want to. It’s true – sometimes the best things in life really are free. And marketing your business online can be one of them“. Click “Marketing For Free On The Internet” to download (290 KB pdf) this free online marketing report.

Marketing For Free On The Internet

Sleep Better for Greater Waking Intelligence > Self Help

We as humans have a tendency to overcomplicate. Those interested in boosting their brain power for instance might feel tempted to focus on strategies such as brain plasticity, or nootropics before considering the most fundamental and basic changes they could make.

Nutrition is one. But even more basic is sleep. If you want to upgrade your performance tomorrow, sleep better today. Not only will this clear adenosine from your brain, replenish key neurotransmitters to avoid things like adrenal fatigue and provide you with greater energy for more focus and energy, but it will also help to support learning by enabling the growth and reinforcement of neuronal connections while you rest. Sleep is the ultimate anabolic state – the ultimate example of rest and digest – and it is when what we learned during the day is consolidated.

How to Sleep Better

So, to that end, what can you do to improve your sleep? The most important thing to do is to put yourself at the less aroused and more relaxed end of the spectrum in terms of your chemical balance.

That means you need to avoid anything that will psych you up – which includes loud noise, bright lights and anything that causes physiological stress. This is why as most of us now know, looking at computer screens and phones is so bad for you before bed.

It’s also why having a cup of coffee is not a good idea. Even doing something seemingly harmless like turning on the light in the bathroom can cause a flood of cortisol and ruin your release of melatonin.
To avoid this, it is recommended that you take half and hour to an hour of ‘down time’ before bed. During this time, you should read by a low-level light and avoid looking at phones or anything else.

Eating right also helps. While you shouldn’t eat too much before going to bed, this is an ideal time to have a slightly sweeter, carb-rich meal. In fact, it has even been suggested that we evolved to eat sweeter things last (hence dessert) because this encourages the release of serotonin and then melatonin. Eat well, but give it a couple of hours before you hit the sack.

Having a warm bath can help too, as this encourages the release of growth hormone and melatonin and relaxes the muscles. Consuming magnesium threonine can also relax the muscles and supports plasticity during the night.

Waking Healthy

Also important is to make sure that you wake up in the right state, in order to help set your biological rhythms. External Zeitgebers (time-givers) help to set your ‘internal pacemaker’ (body clock) and these include things like light and even social interaction.

One fantastic tool to this end is a daylight alarm that will wake you up with a simulated sunrise using a wave-length similar to that of the sun. This gradually stirs you from deep sleep and increases the production of cortisol, readying you for when the alarm goes off. It is hugely preferable to being startled out of deep sleep in a pitch-dark room by a conventional alarm! I’ve started using one and now my wife and I would never consider turning back.

Oh and supplementing with vitamin D first thing in the morning may also be beneficial.

Related Info Products:

Brighter Brain – Self Improvement Ebook and Video Package

MindZoom – Positive Affirmations Software

How To Build Traffic To Your Website > Free Online Business Report

Online Business report “How To Build Traffic To Your Website” looks into; “you don’t have to create traffic; you have to learn to build tributaries that lead from that large ocean back to your online offerings so that existing traffic has the opportunity to flow back to you. The inlet that brings this traffic from the ocean to your tributary is the numerous backlinks that you post all over the Internet in various places. It’s these links that will bring traffic from one area of the WWW to your business website“. Click “How To Build Traffic To Your Website” to download (320 KB pdf) this free online business ebook.

How To Build Traffic To Your Website

Start A Membership to Make Even More Money Internet Marketing > Free Report

Online Marketing report “Start A Membership to Make Even More Money Internet Marketing” looks into benefits and financial return of online membership sites; “A membership site is a website where only its members can access the information. Not all sites require money – there are free ones that require a username and a password. The one thing they do have in common is that they’re exclusive. Not just “anyone” can access the information. You need to be special in some way –either by paying or obtaining the correct login credentials. Besides having free member sites  and those that require payment, they can take on different forms such a blog or a forum. The format you choose will depend on your needs“. Click “Start A Membership to Make Even More Money Internet Marketing” to download (387 KB pdf) this free online marketing report.

Start a Online Membership Site