Tag Archives: Online Business Tips

Quality vs. Quantity in Content Marketing > Online Marketing

There are two groups of marketers. The first one says we should focus on publishing as much content as possible (quantity). The second group says quality trumps quantity anytime. In this article, we’re going to put a full stop to the “quality versus quantity” debate in content marketing. In the old days, quantity got you… Read More »

How To Generate Tons of Content Ideas Using 3 Simple Techniques > Content Marketing

Content generation may seem simple enough when you’re just in the beginning stages of your content marketing strategy. However, what happens when you start running out of ideas? What are you going to do then? When that time comes, you can use these 3 simple techniques to generate tons of content ideas quickly. 1. What… Read More »

5 Ways Content Marketing Can Benefit Your Brand > Online Business

Content marketing is not just a fad. It’s a solid marketing strategy that has brought success to brands and businesses of all sizes. When you do content marketing correctly, you can expect to benefit for a long, long time. So, here are the top 5 ways content marketing can help your brand. 1. Valuable content… Read More »

4 Reasons You Should Explore a Persona-Based Content Marketing Plan > Online Business

There’s a reason why buyer personas / customer personas / audience personas are widely used in various marketing activities – they work. If you’re still not sold on the idea, then here are 4 pro-persona reasons which may help you change your view. 1. You’ll understand their needs Creating buyer personas isn’t necessarily simple. You… Read More »