The Importance of Iron When Living a Vegan Lifestyle > Health & Wellness

By | February 21, 2022

Eating vegan can come with a lot of little lifestyle changes, but some of them are very important while others may come down to a matter of preference. Preference should have nothing to do with making sure that you get every vitamin and mineral you should have on a daily basis. Unfortunately, a few too many vegans may easily neglect this aspect of veganism, and later on in life or throughout the course of their diets they begin to encounter some health issues that they could have easily prevented with a little bit of preparation.

Iron is something that is necessary for our bodies to thrive. Without enough iron supply, it can be easy for us to develop anemia, which can ultimately cause heart issues and other uncomfortable symptoms, such as fatigue and easy bruising that can be slow to heal. It is a preventable disease however, and if you are paying close attention to your diet, then you will easily be able to avoid any iron-deficiency anemia that could rear its ugly head.

If you are iron deficient for too long, it can cause enlarging of the heart and several other uncomfortable conditions. Be sure to find ways to get your iron, whether that be through purchasing iron-fortified foods or by taking a supplement daily.

Be careful should you opt for a supplement. They have a bad reputation for plugging you up and causing gastrointestinal distress. The best way to get any vitamin is always through natural sources. Eating a fair amount of spinach and potatoes are good ways to get healthy iron supplies. Other iron rich foods include tofu, lentils, and broccoli. All together that sounds like a good meal!

Alongside your iron-rich foods, ensure that you are primed for iron absorption as well. You can eat all the iron you want, but if your body isn’t receptive to it, then that can be just as bad as not eating any iron at all. If you want some assurance that your body will be willing to absorb the nutrients you are feeding it, then eat vitamin c along with your iron. That way, you will have a better chance of getting everything your body needs in order to thrive.

Most people worry about your protein when you are living a vegan diet, but most people don’t come up and ask you where you are getting your iron and your B12 vitamins. Maybe they should change the question! That way, it will be at the forefront of your mind every day to make sure you are getting good sources of these vital nutrients.

It is extremely worthwhile to go vegan, but make sure you are doing it in a way that is beneficial to you in all aspects, and don’t deprive your body of some of the most important things it needs to stay healthy. Taking a daily vitamin can help in this regard. Check all the labels and choose one that is right for you!

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